Again, she is done watching us destroy ourselves, the environment and all life on the planet.  

It is a dusk for some (i.e. greed and unaccountability) and a new dawn for many (oneness and love).


Her first words were unconditionally loving and motherly:

Communique #1

You have known me all of your life, just as your ancestors did.   

You have known me all of your life, just as the animal kingdom has.

You have known me all of your life, and moving forward we will get to know each other anew.

I watch over everything.  I stay silent for the most part, but my silence must now come to an end.  The beauty I create is unending and often underappreciated.  My boys have not taken care of matters fully, so I must mend the earth. 

The unending wars on the planet must be addressed.  All wars, whetheragainst each other, against the animal kingdom, or against the environment must and will come to an end. 

I do not plan to ameliorate the earth by destroying any part of it.  I will continue to communicate and provide information to boost all efforts to assist me.

Many may think I am without power, but remember I am the source of all life on this planet. 

Know that you are loved.  

Know that you are special, but no more special than any other living thing.

Know that our future will be love.

As always, unending love to you.

Mother Nature