Since my arrival I have watched in dismay as the absolute lunacy of the world spins, trips and stumbles. With so many down and out on the planet, I will remain silent no more.
I implore you to pay attention and listen with your hearts as you confirm that I am very real and very serious. I am also very ready to help clean up the mess created by the human race.
By now there must be evidence that conception has ceased. While the general population does not know that conception has ceased, people do sense that something significant is off. Those in ‘power’ understand and have no idea what to do. As leaders around the globe become overwhelmed, possibly even to the point of resigning, the inclination to do more of the same may be automatic, yet the correct response will be to do almost the opposite. Just as a mother nurtures her child to make positive choices, I trust leaders will make positive choices for all so I do not have to take other, more significant, actions.
The environment should be the first priority for all. Just as one cannot survive without a healthy body, everyone cannot live together without a healthy functioning planet.
The news shows virtually nothing about the ills of the environment. Documentaries or semi satirical news programs highlight the plight of the earth. I created the earth to be the most wondrous place in the universe. Some appreciate it, some respect it and some advocate to save it. I thank all of you. I have asked some to help me direct the amelioration of the planet and efforts are to start soon.
I want to share some other basics with you, so no one needs to debate, otherwise question or be distracted by what needs to be done in these areas:
There is no need for abortions at this time. Do not interpret my actions or attach any meaning, I have a voice now and plan on exercising it with fervor. I ceased conception to get the attention of all to work together, to bring balance to the planet, and help the human race appreciate the miracle of life.
If anyone wants to stop funding for any organization that provides health services for women, such as Planned Parenthood, please give up access to your own health services first. Women cannot get pregnant on their own, yet men take little responsibility for their role. Understand it will not be tolerated to deny women or anyone. The denial will end and all will take responsibility for themselves and their actions.
On the other end of the spectrum, I anticipate egos of the medical profession and the government will strive to circumvent the cessation of conception. Understand you will only look foolish and the efforts and monies spent to overcome my actions should be used to ameliorate the planet.
Equal rights
Whether a man, a woman, gay, disabled, straight, poor, rich, any or none of the above, all are equal, period. All are created equal. All will to be treated equally.
If anyone wants to take on a woman, take me on, I am used to it and I am learning to give what I get. If anyone wants to take on anyone with a leaning other than heterosexual, I will have their back and am not to be bullied. If anyone wants to cheat anyone out of the fruits of their labor, remember to do unto others as you would have others do unto you.
Oneness shall rise at this time.
Financial Markets
The wrong Gods have been worshipped for too many years now. Some of the wrong ones are the dollar, euro, yen, pound, franc, and ruble. While nature inspires, consoles and uplifts, money breeds greed, separates and alienates. Your God of money is faltering. Based on a growth economy, and now growth is over because I cannot take it anymore. We are taking a yet to determined break from growth in the population, actually we are going to shrink the population on the planet in the coming years. The economy will survive without growth, it will look different though.
No one should stand by and watch another living being be treated inhumanely. Again, do unto others as you would have others do unto you.
The business of war is counterintuitive to that of life. I should have stopped the wars so many years ago. Anyone who profits from war should immediately dislodge themselves of all profits, immediately as in this moment. Such profits should go to help others, not feed your ego and bank accounts.
I make the same statements for those who violate others in so many ways, undoubtedly you know who you are. If there is any doubt or if you justify your actions in any manner, you should act quickly to remedy your actions. Understand there are wars of many varieties and they all must stop.
Others are coming who will have no patience for your actions.
In addition to the environment, all need to be kind to one another. Kindness is a simple concept, if you do not know it, learn it, quick. Leaders should be the first to exercise kindness.
Strive to make the world better each day, listen for other's greatness and love unconditionally.
Welcome to the Age of Amelioration.
Mother Nature
9 October 2015